Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine responsible for the study of eye diseases, the eye muscles, the lacrimal system, eyelids and their treatment. The ophthalmologist (eye doctor) is specialized in diagnosing and treating ailments through various tests.
Some of the eye surgeries performed by our ophthalmologists in Argentina are:
Covid-19 Update: We meet all the biosecurity measures in the health industry during the Covid-19 pandemic. To be able to perform the surgery you must have a negative test result for coronavirus.
Glaucoma is an eye disease in which intraocular pressure is increased causing a compression on the eye walls and especially on the optic nerve.
Lasik surgery is used to surgically correct the refractive errors of the eyes. After a lasik surgery you will not need glasses or contact lenses. The three most common refractive errors are myopia, astigmatism and farsightedness.
Written by Facundo Rodríguez Saudel, M.D.
Last update: 28/08/2022
Note: This information serves as support and does not replace your doctors opinion.